Monday, August 27, 2012

Labels of our lives

Labels. We have many during our lives. I have been thinking about all my labels since I added a new one, "empty nester." I am still "Mom," "wife," "daughter," "friend," and "sister" just to name a few, but "empty nester" seems like somebody else. I thought I would be sad when I moved into this phase of my life, but I am not. I think it is mainly because Steven was so excited about his new label, "college student."

This is, of course, not our first college drop-off of a son, and each time it has been a different experience.  John's teenage years had been challenging for us all. Bill and I were convinced that God made eighteen year olds so that parents would be ready to let them go. However, John seemed to figure out the college thing early on and was very successful at it. When Steven scheduled his Bama Bound for the only two days that I couldn't go with him, I think John was the perfect pick to take my place.  John did a great job with his label, "big brother" and gave him tips that I could not have done. I am now kind of glad that I was unavailable.

Moving Steven into the dorm was, dare I say it, easy. Not because I wanted him to move out or because he was being difficult, in fact, I may have found it easy because he was easy to live with. It seems that he has been making decent decisions for an eighteen year old boy. I am confident that he will continue to do so, for the most part. College students always make some decisions they don't want mom and dad to find out about, but as long as they don't involve the three B's (explained in another post), they are going to be okay. The fact that Steven has a great support group at school makes it a little easier on me also. Nearly all of his close high school friends are only a dorm or two away. Some of them we have known since kindergarten and they have called Bill, "Coach," "Scout Leader," "Billiam," or "Dad" and me, "Mom2" for years.

Being an empty-nester is not so bad. I can dash to the laundry room in my towel. Our grocery bill is lower. I can cook with onions, tomatoes, and carrots. All of my glasses are in the kitchen. There are fewer single socks left after the wash is done. There is a lot less smelly athletic clothes and less laundry in general. I can go to sleep without listening for the knock on the bedroom door to announce, "Mom, I'm home." David and Domino moved out recently too. Now there is a lot less dog fur to vaccuum up. Bill and I can go out to eat for less than $50.00 (if we pick the right restaurant.) I am looking to replace carpet and can pick any color I want. It is the beginning of a new era.

For the first time in twelve years on the first day of school I didn't have the label, "teacher." I have no remorse over trading this label for, "self-employed."  My new freedom as "self-employed" and "empty nexter" is wonderful. These new labels give me flexibility to be a better and less-stressed "wife," "sister," "friend," "daughter," and even "Mom."

1 comment:

  1. But before not too long (I hope), you can add "Grandmothe" to your titles. That one is the most fun of all, especially if you do as I have and use Sallie Nix as your role model... :)
