Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

As a year ends and a new one begins, I think most people reflect on the past year and wonder what the new one will hold. I have done this and must begin by counting my blessings. Bill seized the opportunity to start his own business and it is going very well. He is much happier, which is worth all of the time he puts in. John started the year off great by starting law school. Then his and Jordan's wedding was wonderful. David survived the tornado, which was such a blessing. Jobs can be replaced, but sons can't. Steven made the varsity basketball team and seems to have a good idea of what he wants to study and do with his life. I have spent much time with my family, which has been a blessing, even though the reasons I have seen so much of them has not always been.

2011 also held some very difficult times, the most significant was Walter's death. I miss him. Daddy is now confined to a wheelchair, a difficult thing for him to accept and obviously brings many difficulties for him. Because I changed grade levels at school, I am missing the commeradarie of my friends in seventh grade. It has been much more difficult than I anticipated. I had to have my fourth surgery to repair a pelvic floor prolapse. I pray that it is the last one I will ever need. On the positive side, the surgery was actually much easier than the last couple have been.

Looking forward to 2012 will certainly have many changes in store for our family. Walter left Delores and me money and land in his Will. This should make our lives easier in the long run, but because I am executor of his estate, I am going to be very busy. I am more than a little nervous about it. Steven will be going off to college. Our nest will be empty. It is hard to imagine what that is going to be like.

Changes that I want to make this year include taking better care of myself. I have to carve out time to exercise. I need to eat more healthily. Hopefully, doing those two things will help me lose a few pounds. I want to do more counting of my blessings and letting go of my troubles. I also would like to let go of a lot of "things" and live more simply with less clutter and excess.

Out with the old and in with the new. I am looking forward to working on myself this year. I want to be happier and I know only I can make that happen. "God bless us, every one."

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